Keys2Concussions was created as the result of my son’s three concussions in efforts to inform and educate on the debilitating effects of concussions and post concussion syndrome, and expose cutting edge research with alternative treatment options.

My Son’s Post Concussive Seizures
I was unaware of the fact that he had suffered a concussion. I had no first-hand experience with concussions. I looked at his pupils with a light and asked him to follow my finger with his eyes. He didn’t pass out or vomit, so I thought we were in the clear.
That was the extent of my education and concussion screening. After sitting down and icing his head for a couple of minutes and with no visible marks, this active 9-year-old boy asked to go outside to play soccer with his friends. Naturally, I thought he must be ok, and released him to his free will.
After a persistent headache, the following day I took him in for a CAT scan and evaluation. The CAT scan results came back normal, and it was not ruled a concussion, at this time.
Things quickly got worse, headaches, memory loss, lethargy, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and even seizures.
It was the height of the hockey playoffs which he had followed religiously with his father. He knew every player by name. However, all of that knowledge had suddenly disappeared. We realized something was wrong when he could not follow a conversation and repeatedly would begin speaking only to say never mind. He literally, was at a loss for words. He repeatedly asked for the time and had a perplexed look fixed on his face when we would engage him in conversation.
Unfortunately, many people, including myself, did not understand the after-math of a concussion and it was a long difficult journey. After initially being cleared from his concussion, the dizziness, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and headaches were so bad they were debilitating. Outwardly he appeared to be fine, so the school projected an attitude of disbelief towards his continued symptoms. Which was part of the post-concussion syndrome mystery.
During his concussion treatment, he was admitted into a hospital where they administered Depakote via IV to help stop the headaches. Depakote is a drug used to treat migraines, seizures, and mood disorders. After 6 hours of treatment he lost complete mobility in his legs and couldn’t even stand by himself. He was determined to walk himself to the restroom, but in an effort to do so, had to hold onto the IV pole, using upper body strength and drag his legs across the floor. The neurologists insisted this was not the result of the drugs, as they had not come across such a reaction before.
As any mom would do, I completed research through the night on this drug, and came across a girl my son’s age who had a similar response to this drug when given it through an IV. The next morning he still had no mobility in his legs and his emotional state was declining rapidly, and after enough persistence, they granted me my wish and took him off of the Depakote.
Almost to the minute of the initial dosage, within 6 hours of stopping the medication he could walk again.
While on the drug, he also experienced negative psychological effects from the drug and became very depressed and anxious.
Due to the nature of concussion and post-concussion syndrome, the majority of the battle was an inner struggle with no outside visible marks. Because of this, he was often accused of “milking it” or “making things up.” I believe this was because people really didn’t understand the many effects concussions can have on someone.
Unfortunately, my son’s relationships with concussions would not end with one, partly due to the severity of the initial concussion. Research shows that once you receive a concussion your chances of getting another one increase up to 3X and it takes much less of a severe hit to the head each time.
It was through these experiences that I met other individuals suffering from the effects of concussions and I realized that there was a lack of adequate education, information, and direction for those in need of answers and solutions, like myself.
I realized how many people were unaware of the debilitating effects that concussions and post concussion syndrome could bring.
It is this reason, I sought to create The Complete Concussion Protocol. As I implemented the research I had learned for my son, I experienced bitter sweet emotions. I was elated and grateful to have the answers and the plan for my son; yet at the same time, I was disheartened that no one could help my son with this level of understanding and care while he suffered from his initial concussion.
It was during my personal reflection when I realized that this information I implemented to help my son needed to be shared with others suffering, struggling and searching for solutions.
As a parent, as his mother, watching your child suffer is the most helpless feeling. I wish I had this information at that time.
I hope you find The Complete Concussion Protocol, and its resources, as useful as, I and others have.
May Grace and Gratitude be with you through your journey.